A Few Ways to Encourage Kids to be Compassionate Through Philanthropy at an Early Age

Some parents may wonder how they can teach their children to be philanthropic if they can’t understand how finances work yet.

However, being philanthropic is primarily about being compassionate, and it’s never too early to learn compassion. It can also be thought of as a way to prevent more crime and violence.

Here are some practical tips for getting kids started as early as possible.:

Teach the Importance of Reciprocity

As soon as they learn to move things from one place to another with their own hands, children can start to understand the importance of give and take. They tend to learn best by direct actions, such as turn-taking games.

Being philanthropic may also be an essential part of the family spirituality. If so, that’s equally effective as most religions teach the importance of give and take naturally.

Once children are old enough to receive allowances, parents can do something like make a small charity jar for a couple of dollars per allowance can be set aside for fundraisers or donations.

Make Philanthropy a Lifestyle and Note Anything That Can Add to It

Just talking or simply giving regularly in and of themselves is not adequate. Children also tend to learn best by doing or by something that affects them personally. For example, if another child involved in a cause befriends them or if the family adopts a rescue pet, it can inspire the child to want to get more deeply involved in the cause.

Allowing them to participate in charity events at early ages can serve as a direct immersion.

If the child is part of an organization, such as the Scouts, or is fortunate enough to go to a school that does occasional fundraising, these can serve as valuable bonuses.

If Your Child is a Teenager

Most teenagers are busy trying out their wings by fitting in with their peers and going against everything their family’s about.

The best thing to do there is to find out what they’re passionate about and encourage them to find a charity based on that. If he or she has a personal civic hero, encourage him or her to see if that hero has a website, etc. It often pays to learn from the best.