Teaching Children the Importance of Civic Engagement

Teaching Children the Importance of Civic Engagement

Helping children grow into empowered change agents is an essential responsibility and in this day and age it has never been more important. The previous presidential administration led to a marked increase in youth readiness for civic engagement. So, how can the young...
How the Pandemic Changed Philanthropy

How the Pandemic Changed Philanthropy

When the coronavirus caused a nationwide shut down in America people were left without work and pay. As the unemployment rate grew, so did the call for philanthropists. Charities and organizations were aware that over 30 million Americans were unemployed, meaning they...
Virtual Volunteering

Virtual Volunteering

When asked what volunteering is, one may describe it as going out to your local food drive to hand out goods or a school to help out with painting and building. It has usually been something that you go out and do, but more recently that has changed. These days, many...
Philanthropy Trends For 2020

Philanthropy Trends For 2020

Philanthropy has always been a core value of society. However, many of the complex issues facing the world have left some to wonder what the best philanthropic solutions are. To answer this, here are some philanthropy trends for 2020: The Utilization of Data and...
Philanthropy in the New Year

Philanthropy in the New Year

New Year’s Eve is a time of determination: people make scores of promises to themselves that range from eating healthier to advancing in a career, from exercising more often to making more friends. Often, sadly, those resolutions are neglected by the time the...