Throughout the most recent decades, philanthropy has been steadily increasing in popularity. When it comes to teaching your children about philanthropy and getting the family involved in charity there is not a one size fits all. Whether people are supporting causes at...
Philanthropy in the country is becoming more of a niche than a selfless act. While people may have once belonged to close-knit communities that always strived to support each member, today’s Americans are more isolated, less trusting, and altogether more...
Philanthropy has always been a core value of society. However, many of the complex issues facing the world have left some to wonder what the best philanthropic solutions are. To answer this, here are some philanthropy trends for 2020: The Utilization of Data and...
New Year’s Eve is a time of determination: people make scores of promises to themselves that range from eating healthier to advancing in a career, from exercising more often to making more friends. Often, sadly, those resolutions are neglected by the time the...
The holidays are a big time for philanthropy filled with all the warmth and goodwill of the season. It’s the time of year when Americans are most likely to give. It’s also a time when people make their last donations of the year. Sometimes, these can be...