Learning to give rather than receive is a valuable lesson. Parents who teach their children such a valuable concept often enrich their lives and encourage them to be better people. This brief blog highlights several ways in which adults can educate their children on how to give of themselves.

Lead By Example
The best and typically most direct method of teaching children the importance of giving back is leading by example. Parents who exhibit a proactive stance about giving of their time, money, and efforts actively demonstrate the importance of the endeavor. Children often repeat the behavior they see. Honorable actions but parents often spurn similar responses by their children.

Promote Or Encourage Involvement In A Specific Cause
Parents might simulate charitable efforts in their children through encouragement. Adults might identify a cause that is dear to their hearts and foster their children’s interest in that effort as well. Additionally, parents could inquire what issues their kids are concerned with and help them pinpoint methods of helping said causes.

Incorporate Celebrations And Giving
Many individuals use celebratory occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries as a time to raise money or awareness for a specific cause. Similar actions can be accomplished by young people. For example, a child could request that invitees to their birthday party could receive donations to a charity instead of presents.

Establish A Giving Fund At Home
When children grow old enough to earn an allowance or obtain part-time jobs, parents might encourage charitable donations. That task could easily be accomplished by creating a “giving jar” that everyone in the household places money into when they can.

Demonstrate That Giving Is Not Always About Money
While making financial contributions is an honorable and always appreciated method of giving back, it is also important to teach children that giving does not always have to involve money. There are many ways young people can give of their time and energy. For example, they can partake in acts such as helping their elderly neighbors or individuals with disabilities execute simple tasks, delivering meals to individuals with financial or mobility issues, visit sick individuals in hospitals or reading stories to younger children.

Donate Excess Material
As children grow older, parents might encourage them to donate old clothes and toys. Said activity can teach children to share and help young people who possess fewer material possessions.