Giving this Holiday Season by Richard Abbe

Giving this Holiday Season by Richard Abbe

The holidays are a big time for philanthropy filled with all the warmth and goodwill of the season. It’s the time of year when Americans are most likely to give. It’s also a time when people make their last donations of the year. Sometimes, these can be...
Philanthropy Spotlight: Andrus Family Fund

Philanthropy Spotlight: Andrus Family Fund

Launched in 2000, the Andrus Family Fund aims to nurture fair and sustainable change for vulnerable youth in the United States, through the support of organizations that advance social justice and improved outcomes for these populations. The mission of the Andrus Fund...
What Philanthropy Looks Like Over the Holidays by Richard Abbe

What Philanthropy Looks Like Over the Holidays by Richard Abbe

The holidays are a time marked by generosity and altruism, and they can serve as an excellent opportunity for philanthropists to thrive. Of course, one does not have to be a millionaire or CEO in order to embrace the philanthropic spirit and contribute to a meaningful...
The Evolution of Philanthropy

The Evolution of Philanthropy

The evolution of the word philanthropy dates back over 2,500 years to the fifth century BC, when the ancient Greeks first used the term in the myth Prometheus Bound. When Zeus threatens to destroy mankind, Prometheus shows his humanity-loving character, or...